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Accessories set for SIKUCONTROL low loader+truck\n\nWith its new platform superstructure, the popular SIKUCONTROL set MAN tractor unit with low-loader is perfectly equipped for safely transporting the SIKUCONTROL Liebherr R980 SME caterpillar excavator to the construction site. The superstructure is simply placed onto the low-loader. This widens the platform and also the folding ramp, ready for driving onto. Planks can be placed on the wide platform so that the low-loader can also be used for other overwidth special transports. Stanchions can be inserted for long materials like wood, pipes, or rods. The set includes three stanchion lengths in sets of eight. The platform superstructure is supplemented by a flatbed with a tarp on the location over the coupling. This is where straps, spacer timbers, and cones can be stowed safely. Drivers love to beautify their trucks. The new set now provides the option of more individually customising the tractor units in the SIKUCONTROL MAN tractor unit sets with low-loader and the Scania tractor unit: The chromed bull bar is simply pushed on, and gives a brawny look to the front of both tractor units. The lighting bar – also a favourite add-on element with truckers – is inserted without screws behind the large sun visor. In addition, the cab and semi-trailer can also be individually customised with the patterns from the sticker sheet provided.
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