Implementing white label shop review on your own website

To show shop reviews from on your own web site you need access to’s REST API. Access to this API is controlled by a token which will be given to you by If you also use the white label review iframe, you can use the same token to call the REST API.

Calling the REST API

Use the REST call below to show shop reviews from on your own web site. This REST call outputs an XML containing all review from a specific shop and the total review score.[shop-id]&reviewtype=all&_version=3.10&_token=[token]


In the mentioned REST call are two parameters which have to be filled in before you can use’s REST call.

parameter value mandatory
shop_id unique shop id yes
token access key yes

Explanation of the parameters

[shop_id] unique id of the shop
[token] unique key for accessing the REST call

What to extract from the REST call

The REST call outputs an XML. From that XML, the following properties need to be shown in order to show reviews from correctly on your own web site.

<text> (completely)
<gender> (if filled in)

XML example

<resultset version=”” reqver_maj=”3” reqver_min=”10” build_date=”2017-03-01 12:14”>
<ShopInfoRecord online=”true”>
<ShopIntroText>Alternate is van oudsher een van de grotere online leveranciers can computers, computercomponenten en multimediaproducten in Europa. ... Vanuit Nederland is in 2007 ook in België (Aartselaar) een vestiging gestart, met vergelijkbaar succes.</ShopIntroText>
<ShopTotalReviewRating count=”50”>
<section name=”review” id=”6017352” review_link_id=”6017352”
review_link =””
approved=”Y” recommend=”Y”>
<text>Ik had n muis en toetsenbord besteld , alleen hadden ze de verkeerde toetsenbord gestuurd , maar zonder problemen kon dit omgeruild worden. als ik weer wat nodig mocht hebben zal ik hier zeker weer bestellen.</text>
<title>goede service</title>
<location physical=”false”/>
<date dt=”2017-03-02T13:53:33”>02-03-2017</date>
<name>adele m</name>

<label>Gebruiksvriendelijkheid site</label>

XML-nodes explained

link to the shop reviews listing page

<ShopTotalReviewRating> “count”
total number of shop reviews which are valid for the shop score

<ShopTotalReviewRating> / <value> / totaal reviewcijfer
main score of the review

total number of reviews

ID/UID of the review

link to the complete review at

Y = review has been approved by

Y = review has been recommended by other customers

formatted text of the review

original text of the review

date when the review was written

username of the reviewer

title of the review

total score of the review

positive aspects

negative aspects


If you have any questions, you can send them to

More information and technical documentation