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The Grohtherm thermostatic bath mixer trim set provides the perfect final element for your bathtub, designed to allow you to switch effortlessly between shower and bath outlet. Control flow easily with GROHE AquaDimmer’s simple action that lets you effortlessly direct the water where you want while simultaneously setting the volume. The tactile design invites you to interact with the intuitive controls, and the round shape and slim profile (10 mm wall plate, 43 mm total projection) is ideal for minimalist schemes. This thermostat is made in Germany and packed with innovative technology! GROHE TurboStat technology prevents any unpleasant temperature fluctuations. It’s family-friendly too as the GROHE SafeStop override button is set at 38°C so scalding is a thing of the past. And the GROHE SafeStop Plus optional temperature limiter lets you add a further limit of 43° C for an extra level of safety. The hardwearing, lustrous GROHE StarLight chrome finish will look pristine for years to come. And the GROHE QuickFix metal escutcheon with a locking system and covered sealing makes the installation swift and easy. Please note that this product must be installed in combination with the GROHE Rapido SmartBox (35600000). And you can be sure: This combined solution for concealed installation is 100% safe against leakage.
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