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In steel construction you often need both hands free to work with, making a level with rare earth magnets that have extra-strong holding power a must. With its milled measuring surface and V-groove, it holds firmly on all steel structures especially rounded surfaces. This level has vials which can measure horizontal with gradients of 1% and 2%, a vertical vial and a third which allows you to rotate it through 360°. This level is practical, precise, convenient, and robustly built, typical STABILA.\n\n- Compact, tough, cast aluminium profile spirit level with six-ring horizontal vial for 1% and 2% slope measurement and additional rotatable angle vial\n- Slender, trapezoidal profile shape\n- Extra-strong rare-earth magnet system for adhesion to metal objects – leaves the hands free when aligning and adjusting pillars and supports\n- Precision-milled V-groove measuring surface for optimum hold on pipes\n- Rotatable 360° angle vial for positioning and directly checking any angles, such as those on pipelines\n- With belt pouch – always to hand\n- Easy cleaning\n- STABILA installation technology ensures long-term accuracy – measuring accuracy in normal position is ± 0.5 mm/m and ± 0.75 mm/m in reverse position\n- Equipment: 1 six-ring horizontal vial, 1 vertical vial, 1 rotatable angle vial (tolerance of angle measurement is ± 0.3°), 1 milled V-groove measuring surface, rare-earth magnet system (up to 5 times stronger than standard ferrite magnets), belt pouch
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