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OPTIMIZED FOR ALL MICE\nHYBRID MATERIALS\nWhy do we call G.L.I.D.E. series a hybrid? Great question. Most mouse pads use silicone or cloth on top of foam. Each has its own benefits and caters to one type of mouse – laser or optical. We didn`t settle for one material over the other. Instead, we created a best-of-both-worlds hybrid of silicone and cloth. Regardless of the type of sensor living in your mouse, G.L.I.D.E. series gives you total control and maximum accuracy.\n\nPRO GAMERS KNOW THEIR EQUIPMENT.\nBIGGER IS BETTER\nDuring our extensive interviews with them, a mouse pad’s overall size was a common topic. We made GLIDE series for various size requirement. Plenty of surface area frees you to mouse how you like – keep your DPI low or high and your movement large or minimal.\n\nGLIDE, SWIPE, AND CLICK YOUR WAY TO VICTORY\nSILKY SMOOTH\nThe slightest hiccup in a sweep across a mouse pad can cause problems. And we like to solve problems, not cause them. An ultra-smooth surface gives you effortless control over your mouse. Glide, swipe, and click your way to victory on one of the smoothest surfaces available for competitive gaming.\n\nGOODBYE, FRAYED EDGES. HELLO, COMFORT\nSince your wrist spends so much time on your mouse pad, sharp edges are an absolute no-no. Our solution? Heat-bonded edges with a comfy rollover effect. Smooth edges that don’t fray, coupled with high-grip silicone’s ample cushioning, give your wrist a soft surface to rest upon. That’s one less potential distraction in the heat of battle.\n\nRELAXED TRAVEL PARTNER\nGLIDE rolls up for easy transport, and the silicone won`t remember much of the journey. After unrolling, it will quickly return to the flat surface you need to take the fight to your opponents.\n\nEASY CLEANUP\nMost gaming surfaces get dirty very quickly, especially during the rigors of a gaming tournament. Cleaning can be difficult and messy, and foam surfaces just love to absorb liquid. What can you do but wait for yours to dry? GLIDE solves this by resisting liquids. Quickly and easily wash the surface to banish dirt from your gaming session. And, a speedy dry puts you right back in the game. It`s also comforting to know that spilling a soda or energy drink won`t be the end of your favorite gaming surface.
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