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Compact yet Powerful Storage Solution\n\nSynology DiskStation DS218+ is designed for home users or small businesses pursuing a compact and reliable shared storage solution, offering the flexibility to expand the 2 GB RAM to up to 6 GB RAM to process intensive workloads. DS218+ features a dual-core 2.0 GHz processor with a burst frequency of 2.5 GHz. With AES-NI, DS218+ delivers encrypted performance of up to 113 MB/s reading and 112 MB/s writing under RAID 1 configuration.\n\nBtrfs: Next Generation Storage\n\nDS218+ integrates Btrfs file system, bringing the most advanced storage technologies to meet the management needs of small businesses: Flexible Shared Folder/User Quota System, Advanced snapshot technology, File or folder level data restoration, Cloud Station with file versioning.\n\nPersonal Multimedia Library\n\nSynology DiskStation DS218+ supports transcoding of up to two concurrent H.264/H.265 4K video streaming, featuring support for the latest multimedia file. With Video Station, you can easily organize and sort your personal digital video library with comprehensive media information and watch 4K Ultra HD movies and films. Photo Station allows you to effortlessly organize photos into customized categories, smart albums and blog posts, and link them to social networking websites within a few clicks. Audio Station comes with Internet radio and lossless audio format support, and is capable of music playback via DLNA or AirPlay-compliant devices.\n\n24/7 Smart Security Solution\n\nFeaturing user-friendly video management tools and an intuitive desktop-like interface, Synology Surveillance Station is a reliable private-security solution that can support multiple IP cameras connected to DS218+. Surveillance Station features optimized live view together with streamlined real-time monitoring. Its powerful analytics, such as motion detection and alert notification, allows you to stay informed of any suspicious activity with triggers sent via SMS, e-mail, and DS cam mobile applications.
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Aantal harddisks (max.)3-4
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