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Developed specifically to withstand the harshest industrial environments, these switches offer the most flexible and resilient industrial Ethernet products with secure connectivity, simple management and edge application execution.\n\nThe Cisco® Industrial Ethernet (IE) 4000 Series delivers Gigabit connectivity to Cisco ruggedized switching portfolio with superior high-bandwidth switching capacity and proven Cisco IOS® Software. The IE 4000 Series provides highly secure access and industry-leading convergence ring protocols to support resilient and scalable networks while adhering to industry compliance requirements.\n\nThe IE 4000 Series is ideal for industrial Ethernet applications where hardened products are required, including manufacturing, energy, transportation, smart cities. With improved overall performance, greater bandwidth, advanced security features, and enhanced hardware, the Cisco IE 4000 Series complements the current industrial Ethernet portfolio of related Cisco industrial switches, such as the Cisco IE 2000 and IE 3000.\n\nThe Cisco IE 4000 can easily be installed. with a GUI based Device Manager, it also offers out-of-the-box industrial usage configuration and simplified manageability to deliver advanced security, data, video, and voice services over industrial networks.
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