Funbox Space Hulk Ascension PlayStation 4 - Specificaties

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PEGI rating
12 jaar en ouder
Deprecated > Leeftijdscategorie
16 jaar en ouder
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Funbox Media
Product info
Space Hulk: Ascension Edition is een 3D, digitaal, turn-based, strategiespel, dat voortbouwt op de klassieke bordspelervaring, en nieuwe RPG-stijlmechanica, extra wapens, vijandtypes, een geheel nieuw hoofdstuk en heel veel andere nieuwe functies toevoegt. . Gelegen in de geïsoleerde gangen en grafachtige kamers van oude schepen die verloren zijn gegaan op het kerkhof van de ruimte, leiden spelers een kleine groep onbevreesde Space Marine Terminators in een woeste strijd om te overleven tegen hordes roofzuchtige, buitenaardse Genestealers.
PlayStation 4
Hoplite Research

Toelichting specificaties

SPACE HULK Ascension is a 3D, digital, turn based, strategy game, which builds upon the classic board game experience, and adds new RPG style mechanics, additional weapons, enemy types, an all-new chapter and loads of other new features. Set in the isolated corridors and tomb-like chambers of ancient vessels lost in the graveyard of space, players lead a small force of fearless Space Marine Terminators in a ferocious fight for survival against hordes of predatory, alien Genestealers.\n\nQuick overview of features in Space Hulk: Ascension Edition:\n- Huge Amounts of Content – 103 unique missions spread out across 3 campaign chapters\n- New Enemies – new Genestealer variations for you to face in the depths of the Space Hulk.\n- New Mechanics – a complete reworking of the board game rules and mechanics. It’s still the Space Hulk game you love, reimagined for a new experience.\n- Customisation – RPG-style skill progression and player squad management allow you to create your own tailor-made team of hardened veterans\n- New weapons, more complex maps, combi-weapons and flash missions.\n- 10 times the amount of content of the original game, with a playtime of 50 – 100 hours.\n\nNew Ultramarines Chapter\nAn all new Space Marine chapter, including a Terminator armed with Cyclone missile launcher.\n\nTerminator Progression and Customisation\nEarn XP during missions and level up attributes and skills, and give your Terminators a personal touch by customising their names, weapon loadout and appearance.\n\nCampaigns and Missions\n100+ missions spread out over 3 complete campaigns, and all new flash missions. These are opportunistic mini-missions encountered as you explore the deep unknowns of the Space Hulk that can yield a tactical advantage or be a deadly trap.\n\nExploration and Discovery\nTerminators reveal the layout of the Space Hulk as they venture deep into the darkness.\n\nAdditional Weapons, Tactical Options and Game Rules\nGame mechanics have been reworked to make Space Hulk Ascension a true video game experience.\n\nGenestealer Variations\nGenestealers with Fleshhook, Feeder Tendril and Acid Maw biomorphs have been added to the game, each with their own special game mechanics.\n\nAnd MUCH MORE!