WatchGuard WGT50171 - Specificaties

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WatchGuard Firebox T50
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Toelichting specificaties

WatchGuard APT Blocker\n\nAdvanced threats, including APTs (advanced persistent threats) and zero day malware, once plagued governments and large enterprises exclusively. Now the target has shifted, with mid-size and small businesses under increasing attack from polymorphic threats that are particularly difficult to detect and extremely dangerous.\n\nThe service integrates with WatchGuard Dimension™, the big-data style visibility tool that is included with every WatchGuard UTM solution. Dimension distills oceans of log data into actionable security intelligence, providing an instant, single view of advanced threats. You'll see which files are block and why, along with other top trends, applications and threats covered by WatchGuard security technologies.\n\nAdvanced protection\n\nTakes over where AV protection leaves off, going after zero day threats for which there are no signatures.\n\nDynamic analysis\n\nFull system emulation (CPU and memory) provides visibility into every instruction that malware executes, not just the operating system calls, to expose evasive behavior that other sandbox solutions do not see.\n\nBreadth of coverage\n\nMonitors and classifies observed behaviors in all Windows executable files, Microsoft Office, PDF files and Android APK. Packed files like windows .zip files are decompressed.\n\nAvailable for all WatchGuard UTM appliances\n\nNo backdoors - all points of entry into the network are analyzed. Advanced malware protection is not just installed on expensive units in datacenters only.\n\nRapid detection\n\nResults are available in minutes. You don't have to wait until the next day when signatures are distributed to appliances and endpoints.\n\nUnmatched visibility\n\nAPT Blocker reporting is integrated in WatchGuard Dimension, including detailed reports showing which files are blocked and why.\n\nIntuitive management\n\nManage all security functionality on your WatchGuard UTM appliance, including APT Blocker, from a single intuitive console for maximum efficiency and ease of use.\n\nCost effective solution\n\nProvide network-wide protection for all users configured behind your WatchGuard UTM firewall with a single APT Blocker subscription.