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The ProClip is a mounting bracket for the vehicles dashboard. Onto the Proclip you can install e.g. a holder for your mobile phone or PDA or a handsfree set etc. Safe and convenient -always within easy reach. The ProClip is car specific and easy to install. The installation is quick, no special tools or dismantle of the dashboard is required and it will not damage the interior of the vehicle. Made in black ABS plastic. Comes with detailed instructions. Center mount Attention! Read all instructions before attaching the ProClip. Peel off both adhesive tape covers on the ProClip.
1. Hook the right part of the ProClip into the gap between the stereo and the surrounding panel frame.
2. Place the angled edge on the left side of the ProClip over the gap between the panel frame and the padded dashboard edge.
3. Press the left part of the ProClip into the gap. Press until you see or hear/feel it snaps into place.
4. The ProClip in place.
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