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Windows® 7, Windows Vista®, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Me, Mac OS X v9.x and above, Linux Kernel 2.4.2 and higher
Algemene kenmerken
Materiaal behuizing
Schokbestendig, Waterbestendig
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1 stuk(s)
Toelichting specificaties
Encased in a military-style aluminum housing that’s waterproof to 200 meters, Flash Survivor Stealth USB 3.0 drives offer incredibly rugged protection for your important data.\n\nMILITARY-STYLE DATA TRANSPORT WITH USB 3.0 AND USB 2.0 COMPATIBILITY\nYour files are important — that's why you're taking them with you. Flash Survivor Stealth® USB 3.0 flash drives help keep them safe. The anodized, aircraft-grade aluminum housing is waterproof to 200 meters, vibration-resistant, and shock-resistant.\n\nUSB 3.0 SPEED\nIf you move a lot of data, you've noticed that as convenient as USB flash drives are, they never seem to be as fast as you'd like. USB 3.0 changes the game. Flash Survivor Stealth USB 3.0 offers read speeds up to four times faster than traditional USB 2.0 drives. It's fast enough to view most videos directly from your Flash Survivor Stealth, without having to take the usual extra step of copying it to a hard drive first.\n\nHIGH-PERFORMANCE USB 2.0 SUPPORT\nNot only is Flash Survivor Stealth USB 3.0 backward compatible with USB 2.0 — it offers great performance, too. No matter how up-to-date your PC is, you'll be able to quickly take care of moving your files and be off on your next adventure.\n\nUNIVERSAL COMPATIBILITY\nIt works with Microsoft® Windows®, Mac® OS X, and even Linux without drivers, and there's no software to install. Just plug it in, and go. If your computer has a USB 2.0 or 3.0 connector, you can use Flash Survivor Stealth USB 3.0.\n\nPROVEN RELIABILITY\nWith almost two decades of building enthusiast-grade memory and components, we've earned a reputation for quality, compatibility, and performance. Need help? We're available by phone call, email or web forum.
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